Services: Client Assurance

Providing a complete and comprehensive service nationwide.

Services: Quality Assurance

It is our policy to ensure that the highest possible standards are achieved and maintained operationally throughout all of our company’s activities. We will strive to give our clients the best and most efficient service possible at all times. We are committed to uphold this responsibility and belief by the following means:

  • Set, review and communicate objectives and targets to continuously improve performance and business processes.
  • Provide adequate training for employees to ensure that quality responsibilities and considerations are included in all aspects of our business.
  • Strive for excellence in the provision of services to our customers, with particular regard to safety, quality, the environment and completion on time.
  • Periodically review this policy to ensure that it remains suitable, adequate and effective.  
  • Work to improve operational standards and commitment amongst staff through training.
  • Provide an excellent and equal service from initial contact through to final completion. We will monitor and review this via customer satisfaction results.
  • Mutually agree Key Performance Indicators for each contract and operate at a level equivalent to or above these levels.  KPI’s will be monitored and results recorded for future performance reference.